Personalised Health Platform (PH360) membership for 1 year (valued at $320 NZ)
3 sessions with a health coach (60 minute sessions, either in-person or online via zoom):
Session 1) We will take your measurements, fill out the health questionnaire and set you up on the PH360 platform as well as helping your clarify your goals and why they're meaningful to you. You'll also find out your "health type" and get an introduction to the platform.
Session 2) You will learn more about your health-type and be coached through how to use the platform in more depth. Together we will come up with some key actions to take based around your key priority areas that will help you to reach your health goals.
Session 3) This session is to check-in with how you are doing, answer any questions and add more actions that align with your goals. If necessary, we can coach around behaviour change and how to reset your mindset and create long-term change if you are struggling to change any particular behaviours or habits.
Valued at $590, you save $100! Investment is only $490.